Sep 3, 2007

various weekend eats, featuring habanero taco salad

Although this dish started -- conceptually, anyway -- as chili, it transformed into a taco salad as he did the prep. And such delicious taco salad it was, too:

saute the onions until they're nearly translucent
chop lots of habanero peppers
prepare the toppings:
summer tomatoes, cilantro, cheese, and more onions
dish it up in layers:
lettuce (iceberg, of course), spicy meat, toppings, and then sour cream

SO good. I love taco salad but forget about it. With his really spicy meat it was delicious.

And just to prove that I really do love cantaloupe with pepper -- and perhaps to get you to try it too, you coward, check out the lusciousness of this:

And last but not least. We have a stash of those great orange rolls still in the freezer. Well, we did at the start of the weekend. They're all gone now, I need to make some more. I'm the baker, he does all the rest of the cooking. He was eating this roll, and when he got down to the filet of it, the most luscious part, it was just so beautiful I had to take this picture:

It's some mighty good eating, in our house.

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