Sep 7, 2007

Tuna sashimi plus tomato bliss

I am always struggling to explain just how incredible his food is, and tonight is no exception. We had really wonderful tuna sashimi, sprinkled with this great seaweed mix plus a dollop of wasabi, over rice. Check it out:

See? Click the picture to see it full size. It's so good.
And just to make dinner difficult, a truly luscious salad. It was difficult because I'd start eating one thing and have to force myself to stop eating it and move to the other, then I'd have to force myself to stop eating it....both were just so heavenly. Fresh, real-tasting summer tomatoes, topped with thin slices of red onion, shreds of aged provolone, drizzled with olive oil infused with garlic and full of chopped fresh basil. Lots of grinds of black pepper plus a liberal salting = VOILA:

This was rich and luscious on the tongue, and I want some more. I ate a whole plate of these thick tomato slices and could've eaten another. Please sir, may I have some more?

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