Jan 14, 2007

Chicken under a brick

So it's an old way of cooking chicken: flatten it by putting a heavy brick on it, and fry it quickly. The result is crispy crunchy outsides. He took another step for me, because I appear to be constitutionally unable to eat chicken off the bone without it looking like a massacre took place -- he deboned the chicken from the inside out. It's flat as a pancake; the only bone left is a bit of wing. He even deboned the leg. It's hard to appreciate from this picture just how flat it is:

He didn't use a brick, he used our very heavy Korean hot pot,
on top of a rack to distribute the weight evenly.

Here is the deboned chicken half, kind of looking like a bearskin rug.
A delicious, crunchy bearskin rug.
Indian red rice, very nutty, and some leftover garlic pasta from dinner last night.
Plus the delicious chicken, of course:

A great addition to tonight's salad, toasted walnuts to accompany
the blue cheese and thinly sliced red onions.
Plus his signature olive oil-soaked crouton bits.

There are two things you can't really appreciate from these photos: #1, just how thin that chicken was when he deboned it, and #2, the impact of learning to use my flash today. The light is magnificent, all the better to show you his luscious food. Expect to see nicer photos of his great food from now on.

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